Prescription Medication (Refill) Policy
A guideline to help you understand the process and time frame for scheduled drug prescriptions
Helpful Advice for New Patients
Background about Schedule II - IV medications
Prescription medications are scheduled from Schedule II to Schedule IV:
Schedule I are illegal drugs and can not be prescribed.
Schedule II medications have a higher likelihood of abuse than and are under greater scrutiny and require more frequent follow up appointments.
Scheduled III medications are less likely to be abused than Schedule II.
Scheduled IV medications are less likely to be abused than Schedule III.
Unscheduled medications are the least likely to be abused.
If you are coming in for medications previously prescribed by a provider outside of our practice we will need your medical records prior to refilling those medications for you. Your medical records can be:
Faxed to us at 860-413-0862
Emailed using a secure link to
Brought in with you at the time of your appointment.
(Indicates Drug Brand Name)
Schedule II Drugs
Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet)
Hydrocodone (Norco)
Morphine (MS Contin)
Fentanyl (Duragesic)
Opioids require a 30 minute visit every 4 weeks | Refills are sent in every 28 days | Please set up a recurring 4 week appointment | Medical provider will send on the date due no need to contact the office for refills.
Amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall)
Methamphetamine (Desoxyn)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
Stimulants require a visit 4 weeks after the initial visit then a recurring visit every 12 weeks (approx 3 months) | Please set up a recurring 12-week visit | Refills will be sent every 28 days no need to contact the office
Schedule III - IV Drugs
Benzodiazepines (Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Alprazolam)
Medical cannabis
Initiating testosterone therapy requires blood work to be completed prior to scheduling an appointment. Routine monitoring of blood-work with be required throughout the course of treatment.
30 minute appointment every six months | Please make sure you are set up on a recurring six month appointment.
Nasal spray
Appointment Requirements:
Initial 30 minute appointment ($100). If appropriate your medication will be prescribed.
Any prescription change requests will require a simple med management appointment $50. i.e. switching from the trochees to the nasal spray or switching from the trochees to the suppositories.
Follow up appointments are required with the prescribing medical provider in 30 days ($50), then 90 days ($50) and, then every 6 months ($100).
Non Scheduled Drugs
Hydroxyzine (Atarax)
Refills require a follow up appointment once per year. Changes to non scheduled drugs require an appointment to change.
If you aren’t set up on a recurring appointment and want your medications to be filled in a timely manner please contact William 385-449-0565 and I will help you get set up.
Interested in saving money on your prescriptions?
Many pharmacies price match i.e. Smith’s, Wal-mart - Walgreens and CVS do not price match from our experience and on average are more expensive.
Mail-order pharmacies often charge less if you order in three month supply
Check out website
Use generics instead of brand name drugs when possible.